In the beginning…
It all started a long time ago with a Kodak Instamatic. Then came an SLR, and experimenting with countless rolls of film. (Mistakes were plenty, though of course I had to wait a week or so to find that out. Film was an interesting – and expensive way – to learn how to be a photographer.) Jump forward a few decades and that outlay and hard work obviously paid off. I’m now a landscape photographer, who lives and works in the county of Northumberland in north east of England. Since turning professional I’ve written over thirty-five books about photography. I frequently work on commission for organisations such as the Northumberland National Park Authority, shooting seasonal landscape imagery. I also run popular bespoke one-to-one landscape and macro photography workshops throughout the year. Oh, and I shoot digitally these days…
Each season has its own rewards and challenges. The benefits of winter are late-morning starts (a luxury for a landscape…
I’m often asked where my favourite place to photograph is. That’s a tricky one to answer. Generally I wriggle my…
Forming the backdrop to movies such as the Braveheart and Highlander, the distinctive pyramid shape Stob Dearg, the main peak…