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Photography Workshops

Welcome to my photography workshops page. Over the course of 2025 I’ll be running a varied series of Small Group photography workshops in conjunction with acclaimed landscape photographer Jason Friend. I also offer bespoke One to One workshops, which can organised on any mutually-convenient date and in any location between the River Wear and the River Tweed in north-east England.

| Frequently asked questions

You’ve probably got a few questions. Below are answers to some of the questions I’m commonly asked. If you’ve got other questions that I’ve not thought of then don’t hesitate to contact me.

Q. Do I need to be a photography expert?

Not at all. A lot of people who come on my workshops have only recently taken up photography. Absolute beginners are more than welcome. We all have to start somewhere.

Q. Will there be a test at the end of the workshop?

I’m not that cruel. Ask the questions you really want answers to (about photography preferably, though I’ll try my best to answer general knowledge questions too). And don’t be embarrassed about asking simple questions either. No-one is born a photographer and there are times when photography can be a head-scratching experience. Hopefully I’ll take some of the mystery out of photography for you during your workshop.

Q. Do I need a fancy camera?

I’m a firm believer that it’s possible to make interesting photos with any camera. One of my goals on a workshop is to help you make the most of the camera you have. However, if you’re thinking about buying a camera I’m happy to offer advice before, during or after the workshop.

Q. I don’t like photography but I know someone who does. Can I buy a One to One workshop voucher for them?

One to One workshop sessions can make a welcome gift for the keen photographer. If you’re looking for something a little out of the ordinary and think that this might fit the bill, I’d be happy to arrange a voucher for you, along with a blank greetings card from my range of cards, to enable you to dedicate your gift. See Workshop Vouchers for details.

If you have any questions or want to book a workshop, please contact me – I’d be very interested to hear from you.
