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Yorkshire is an incredibly rewarding area to photograph. This collection of images includes shots from the Yorkshire Dales, the coast near Whitby and Brontë Country near Haworth.

| Where to go?

Yorkshire is England’s largest traditional county so there is a lot to choose from. I’ve spent more time in the Dales than any other part of Yorkshire and that’s my preferred destination. I do like Wensleydale I must admit. It’s incredibly pretty thanks the miles of stone walls snaking over the fields and hills. It also has photogenic waterfalls such as Aysgarth Falls, and a scattering of charming villages and towns.  However, it’s the more wild landscapes of Kingsdale and Ribblesdale that ultimately get my vote as a place to make photos

Visit my Yorkshire gallery on to see more photos from the area and to buy prints and gifts. Or find out more about the county in Ed Glinert’s book: 111 Places in Yorkshire that you shouldn’t miss (which I shot the photos for).